Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Bangladeshi Independence Day

We woke up yesterday morning and wandered over to the main boat for breakfast where we learned that it was Independence Day.  "Celebration?" we asked.  Apparently, there would not be fireworks, but we did manage to convince the boss that this called for a night of  'improved diet'.  We would look forward to it all day.

After dinnner, as we were relaxing enjoying the breeze in the main room, the crew began to close all of the doors and windows, despite our protests.  Apparently we were about to be treated to our first "cyclone."  High speed winds whipped walls of sand around and the current managed to rock our little houseboat.   The whole storm lasted about 30 minutes then blew out just as quickly as it blew in. 

1 comment:

  1. They nammed a minor league team after cyclones, they play in Brooklyn... you should go to a game now since you understand what a cyclone is!
